P13) Parkoviště – ul. Krátká - Kopřivnice - Lašská brána Beskyd - Štramberk, Kopřivnice, Příbor, Hukvaldy

P13) Parkoviště – ul. Krátká (Kopřivnice)

Další blízké parkoviště::

P10) Parking lot - Masaryk square, winter stadium

Description: The parking lot is located on Masaryk Square next to the Church of St. Bartholomew, opposite from the Catholic House and close to the winter stadium and offers greater parking capacity without time restriction. 

Designated for: buses, passenger cars (motorcycles)

P11) Parking lot - Alšova Street, Reeve’s House Museum

Distance to points of interest:
Public WC: 190 m (about 3 minutes) 
Reeve’s House Museum: about 180 km (about 3 minutes) 
Váňa's stone: approx. 650 m (about 18 minutes)
Botanical Garden: 1 km (25 minutes)
Lašské Museum: about 1.3 m (about 20 minutes) - near the public WC
Cultural House / Information Center: about 1.4 km (about 22 minutes) - a public WC is nearby
Technical Museum Tatra: about 1.5 m (about 23 minutes)
White Mountain (lookout tower): 1.6 km (49 minutes)
Oldtimer Museum: about 1.9 m (approximately 30 minutes)


P12) Parking lot - Husova Street, swimming pool

Description: The parking lot is located near the Koprivnice swimming pool and the nearest parking lot for the ascent to Bezruč's outlook, to the ruins of Šostýn Castle, to Raška’s stone and in general to visit the Red Stone area. In winter, parking is also available for the Červený kámen ski area (closer to the ski slope there is another car park near the ski lift).

Designated for: passenger cars (motorcycles)

Distance to points of interest:

Šostýn Castle: 550 metres (17 minutes)
Bezruč’s outlook: 810 m (about 23 minutes)
Lašské Museum: about 1.2 m (about 18 minutes) - near the public WC
Cultural House / Information Center: about 1.6 km (about 25 minutes) - a public WC is nearby

P13) Parking lot - Krátká Street

Description: Parking lot near the center and the Oldtimer Museum. 

46 unrestricted parking spaces
2 parking spaces for people with limited mobility

Distance to points of interest:
Oldtimer Museum: about 150 m (approximately 2 minutes)
Cultural House / Information Center: about 500 m (about 7 minutes) - a public WC is nearby
Technical Museum Tatra: about 600 m (about 8 minutes)
Lašské Museum: about 690 m (about 11 minutes) - near the public WC
Reeve’s House Museum: about 1.9 km (approx. 31 minutes)

P14) Parking lot - Lidl
The parking lot is designated for Lidl customers. 

The parking lot is designated for clients of Kaufland, Sportisimo, Tako, Deichmann and Dr. Max pharmacies. 

P17) Parking lot - Kadláčkova and ČSA Street, Komerční banka

Description: The parking lot is located close to the center next to Komerční banka.

Designated for: passenger cars (motorcycles)

30 unrestricted parking spaces,
3 parking spaces for people with limited mobility,
8 parking spaces reserved for Komerční banka.

It is also possible to park on the nearby former handball court, where there is a capacity of 31 parking spaces, until cancellation. 

Distance to points of interest:
Technical Museum Tatra: about 325 m (about 5 minutes)
Cultural House / Information Center: about 390 m (about 6 minutes) - a public WC is nearby
Oldtimer Museum: about 450 m (approximately 9 minutes)
Lašské Museum: about 810 m (about 14 minutes) - near the public WC

Popis: Parkoviště v blízkosti centra i muzea Oldtimer. 

Určeno pro:
 osobní automobily (motocykly)

46 parkovacích míst bez omezení,
2 parkovací místa pro osoby s omezenou schopností pohybu. 

Vzdálenost k bodům zájmů:
Muzeum Oldtimer: cca 150 m (cca 2 minuty)
Kulturní dům/Informační centrum: cca 500 m (cca 7 minut) – v blízkosti je veřejné WC
Technické muzeum Tatra: cca 600 m (cca 8 minut)
Lašské muzeum: cca 690 m (cca 11 minut) – v blízkosti je veřejné WC
Muzeum Fojtství: cca 1,9 km (cca 31 minut)
(Pro časové údaje je brána rychlost průměrné chůze.)


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